You can never get enuff of doing nothing
I was bored, cos I have nothing to do at home. So I took a short trip to the Bahamas(actually its Pulau Dayang, off the coast of Peninsular Malaysia, but "Bahamas" sounds way way cooler)
Right... Its a tiny island with nothing to offer but good diving sites and nice fishing spots. Basically I didnt have a diving license or fishing rod. So all I could do was lie on my hammock and stare at the beach, wondering why did I pay $200 to do what I could do at home(but with alot more sand in my pants)...

Then I realised, this isnt something you can get in Singapore.. The sand is smooth and fine(enough to find its way into your underwear and stay there for uncomfortably long periods of time). The waters are clean and clear(salty water never tasted so good). The sea breeze never seemed to cease blowing. Life was good(for 1 and a half days).

Right until I tried the local food.
Remember the YanYan snacks we all grew up to love(chocolatey good!)?

They have their own version... I think they called it NiNi(or 2 other meaningless words put together to entice stupid kids)

As you can see, the "Chocolate" portion far from resembles the smooth chocolatey goodness that is YanYan.
Despite looking like commercialized packaged dog shit(however the hell commercialized packaged dog shit is supposed to look like), it was the only source of sugar on the island. After hours of doing nothing, I needed to replenish my energy...sooooo......
After eating most of it(which tasted as bad as it looked), I spent the rest of the day, lying defeated, beside a broken kayak, reminiscing my pre-NiNi times... Those were good times...

Things started to pick up in the night, after a forceful clearence of my bowels. The Hunks(thats me) and the babes(girls who think I'm a hunk) engaged in a game of twister. The boob-to-face fun we had within that short 30 minutes was more action than I would ever get by eating a whole cup of NiNi.

I love doing nothing on sandy beaches, given the chance, I would do it all over again.. But for now, I have to go apply some Aloe Vera gel on my back, cos it burns like the devil("I dont need no sunblock!", Joshua Said... "Sunblock is for lusers!", Joshua said.... Who's laughing now huh?!?)
Wish you were there