This Blog never changes
This is the current standard formula
1)I post
2)I post
3)I post
4)I bitch to everyone that no one is posting
5)I post
6)Ryan puts up a link to nowhere
7)Joshua posts something after 3 weeks
8)Mr Man posts more PR material for his money making scam... err I mean company
Sigh... this Blog did not quite work out the way I thought. The problem is that we are not having any real adventures. So I put to you that nothing is too trivial to be an adventure. ANYTHING... no matter how crap... I have thus put forward as an example what constitutes material which is unfit for anyone except for Americans... Americans watch anything... So long the colours arnt too dull...
Title: My photographically incomplete story of how I swindled a Malaysian boy to carry my Dad's RX-8 Bumper to the Airport
I didnt really think I would be blogging this... I only took these pictures to bitch to my parents about the size of boxes they want me to carry on top of my luggage...

The bleeding box was about my height... shy 5 cm perhaps.

I took this dramatic shot partially to compare the height of the tower of pisa with my luggage and also to elicit sympathy from dad.
He replied," Only lidat ah? In 1945 I carry about 100 boxes bloody bloody big whenever your mother go shopping ah"
I pointed out he didnt have to board a plane.
"Plane? Plane? Plane damn big ah... you and your mommy have to fit in my car ah... that time ah my car is about the size of your baby sister ah and only got 3 tires to save money"
I decided my dad could never pass physics 101 and bitched about the RX-8 Rims instead...
Anyway, I had with me my handy peon at the time because my El Cheapo streak blossomed up in me and I recruited a random Malaysian dude from my college. His only request? To watch a cantonese drama serial on my Laptop... At first I thought he was mildly retarded but I soon realised he had hours of that cantonese crap to run through and also the day before my flight as well.

Anyway... I finally managed to chase him off with vague promises of food and drink. If you ever have an asian in your room, just wave food in his face and he will bend over backwards. I would.

And he left.
You can pretty much guess what happened. He lugged that box all the way to the airport with me paying about 8 Aussie for the bus fare there and back and through some freakish luck, I got a foodcourt voucher for 15 bucks which I used to feed him.
Look guys!!! Blog entry!!! not difficult right? El Romeo will teacha ya da mysteries of randomness... It does not even have to be good... just something for us to read
Im having exams.. cmon... ok.. so im lazy... i guess i'll be posting more when im back in singapore... lots of time to be bored when not on one of El Dump Ur Ex On Me's Quests...
now that all of u are back.. pls post up something more interestin!! coz mrs cow is oh so bored at work and need some entertainment to get myself thru the day..
newly packaged mrs cow
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