Anyway, just a quick update. Its the exams. I hate exams.
On the original note, my dad went off on a shopping spree and he went to get some rims for the RX-8.

Is it just me... or was there some mysterious time warp back to the 60s. I felt an Afro coming on as well as echos of saturday night fever. But I really want some feedback before I decide to change tires everytime I leave the house. Errrm... do those tires look wonky? Or are they the next best thing to get some street cred? And by street cred I mean the mahta will stop u every 100m on the PIE to bust some ah beng ass.
Sigh. Please gimme some feedback. I dont care who u r... so long you arnt some blog spammer selling viagra which you made from plasticine.
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