Goodbye NS, Hello boring life
I have left the god-forsaken base on Gombak Hill(Thats what i always tell the pizza guy,"The Base of Gombak Hill there, bring the pizza to the base of Gombak Hill there"), never to return again(except for 2 more days here and there...then theres also to collect my IC)...
I never did get to say goodbye to everyone in the camp..
This post is dedicated to the tormented souls who still remain... Remember, Nissin Instant Noodles makes the pain go away. It makes it all go away...
In no order whatsoever(Whoever comes to my mind first)
Bye Maj Kang, Warren Quah dries his panties in the microwave
Bye Warren Quah, stop drying ur panties in the microwave
Bye Warren Dinesh, ur as black as ur Hyundai Matrix
Bye Warren Quek, stop stealing our men to your platoon
Bye Warren Chong, your car looks like a toy
Bye Staff Ang, thanks for the Off, have a nice ORD
Bye Staff Kew, your damn slack, keep it up
Bye Staff Varni, I miss you
Bye Staff Eric, you really do look like a Luohan fish
Bye 1Sgt Tay, u asked me to dance once.. I'll remember that
Bye 1Sgt Tang, Stop masturbating, maybe ur hands will get better
Bye 1Sgt Oh, your Ex-slim aint working very well, n stop sleeping
Bye 2Sgt Goh, temper temper...
Bye 2Sgt Jackson, you're a dick
Bye 2Sgt Ng(KL), ur a sneaky fella, plus u look like a chicken, ur a sneaky chicken
Bye ....
Ok, I was planning to say goodbye to everyone in my camp, but I'll prob take up another 100 lines...Lazy...
But there is someone I have to say goodbye to...
Lonely nights we've walked alone
I let you loose, you came back to me
Its been 2 years, but you hardly ever grown
How i wish I could set you free
I put out my hand, u'll put out yours too
I jump around, and so will you
Cans and bottles, everything you will chew
Eaten many insects, but that doesn't bother you
Now its time for me to leave
Yet I doubt you even know my name
Parting is sad, but I shall not grieve
Hope you'll always stay the same
To Eric

The Dog
Now that I am free to do as I please(as long as my mommy lets me), I'd best be learning how to cook. Mastering the fine culinary art of Frozen, Canned and Dried cuisines is no small feat. I predict this would be a useful skill in the future, especially after I marry a wife who keeps most major Fastfood Takeaway Hotlines on her speed-dial(assuming I marry someone just like myself).
Life gets meaningless once you have no purpose. I used to dread going to work(A nicer way of saying "Booking in to camp"). Now that I dont have to, I feel empty. I need to find something to do. (Most probably going to Boarders to sit on the floor and read free mags with The Amazing Technicolour Masturbating Monkey). Other than that, I should go to the gym more often, else in the States(Love, Life, Liberty!) my Burly caucasian friends would be playing Bash-The-Scrawny-Asian-Kid-With-Bracers every lunch break.
And finally, I would rather die than increase our blog's viewership by typing misleading words like FREE PORN YOUNG NURSE SCHOOLGIRL SEX HENTAI JAPANESE FETISH PUSSY HARDCORE MINDEF FEMALE TOILET VIVIAN HSU WEBRING

Very good. Instead of misleading other ppl u rather paste the real stuff huh..
If i am u, i would miss the dog more than anyone in the camp. Haha. Coz i can still meet them at times outside, but the doggie. haiz. If it is a little cute puppy, it will aggravate things. :P
And i shall keep chanting $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72 $72.
wahlau. your england damn cham leh.... it's warrant. and vani. not warren. and varni.
No... thats what we always say in camp.. warren...we dont emphasize the "t" cos we're singaporean... oh yes, you're right i think, its vani, not varni, cos she's so cute...wait..thats not the point...err... ya.. vani...
Oh yes.. and Mr TCL, i put the Vivian Hsu pics cos has this "search for photo" function, so whenever some Masturbating Monkey searches for Vivian Hsu pictures, they'll be directed to this blog.. and they'll get pictures of my dog..
i think it sucks that you cannot take eric with you. you were his life and purpose, and now that part of him will be gone forever. you abandoned a faithful animal. btw why DON'T you incorporate some porn into your site, or it'll forever be a bunch of sexually frustrated young men who aren't getting any. porn makes everything better. it just does. BTW it's 1.30 am and my sis is not back yet. what DOES she get up to?
this reminds me of a secondary school interclass debate i was at: debate on censorship eventually boiled down to "is pornography art?"
Yea, im gonna miss him alot.. Sad that he's kinda old too.. But I doubt he's even gonna know im gone...
This is Eric with Me around
And This is Eric without me around
His indifferent expression on his More-Human-Than-Dog face tells me that he has no clue whats going on..
And we cant do porn, as it'll attract the wrong kind of viewers. This is family material, just like Southpark and HappyTreeFriends
BTW, what DID your sis do so late at night? Did she come back?
Usually when im out late, its because I spent alot of time discussing Art and Politics with my friends in the park(Getting piss drunk)
I don't know what my sister gets up to, neither do I want to know how she gets her freak on. what kind of viewers exactly are you trying to attract? and YOU get piss drunk? really? what more don't i know about you, fair tissue boy? you got a criminal record?
Your sis is a very nice person(from what I knew of her 10 years ago). Im sure shes up doing something other than naughty things. Our blog is meant to attract horny adolescents, who's minds are open to all the wrong teachings. There is much you don't know about me, Dear beautiful cousin who is in love with her best friend in all the wrong ways. But I do like chickens though. That you know.
You fools... you think our blog is bad? Our blog is so sanitized and sterilised that the pope probably reads it before he asks god for another million retards aka converts to fleece some cash from. You have not seen the dark side and I do mean dark..... of the blogs I've seen... sigh... my horny goat innocence...
You have hurt me(and my tissues). Next time if some stray soya sauce ever finds its way onto your mouth, dont come looking for tissues from da man(thats me, by the way)...
(Like a funeral, it is best to stay silent and smile into nothingness during our family dinners, you get into less trouble that way)
Nope, I'm still in sunny singapore.. Leaving in August... I'll miss this place
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