IT Show? why?
Why do I go to IT shows? Every year, few times a year, all the stores in Sim Lim Square will move their stuff to the wastefully big halls of the Suntec City convention centre. They will advertise in the newspapers, the exact same stuff they have been selling at Sim Lim Square all year round. Slap on a few freebies and people flock down to the IT fair by the thousands, hoping to get a good "deal". Not forgetting, navigating through a hall filled with thousands of Singaporean Bargain hunters is no easy feat...

Having survived most previous Great Singapore Sales, I assumed I could easily make my way to the Canon Printer Ink booth(All I wanted was a lousy $10 ink cart for my stupid printer who seemed to enjoy vomiting most of its ink out everytime I try to print something)...
But I was wrong...

This huge stack of Epson Printers(I think they knew I used Canon Printers) decided to help themselves to my face. The rearrangement of my facial features was inevitable. There was no where to run. Everywhere, nothing but people...
Year after year, they hold IT shows....
Year after year, they're always so crowded even cockroaches would have trouble surviving...
Yet, year after year, I find myself mysteriously drawn to these IT shows(Like regulars to beds)...
Could it be the Hard-To-Miss special offers?
Or maybe for a lonely person like me, squeezing myself between crowds of people is the closest form of human companionship I will ever hope to have?
I think its the SHOW GIRLS...

Canon girls, FUCK YEAH!
Sony girls, FUCK YEAH!
Apple girls, FUCK YEAH!
LG girls, FUCK YEAH!
Samsung girls, FUCK YEAH!
Nikon girls, FUCK YEAH!
Casio girls, FUCK YEAH!
Dell girls, (Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah)
Microsoft girls
erm. right. was it worth the hassle?
i got a phone from it fair! although i had to scramble like a terrified cockroach to escape the crowd. i went on sunday afternoon. shows how much brain i have.
Holy crap you look hideous! You are a disgrace to all the hot army boys in the world! *bitch slap*
PS: you sick pervert.
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