Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Why does NS want me so much ????

Ya, my foreign exchange plans are being hindered by impending NS. Every once in a while, a document demanding I report for medical examination arrives, even though I have defered beforehand. Then I have to do a mad rush of calling up various departments for clarification. So much so, my mother is now my NS liasion. She knows more about NS law than most of the officers at CMPB. All this so that I can go to NS at 22 years old. sigh sigh. Kudos to her.

Chicken ! Do not despair, I have arrived with more information about Illinois. Apparently they harvested, get this, 2.088 BILLION bushels of corn in 2004. report can be found here. HOLY CRAP. 2 BILLION BUSHELS OF CORN ! And besides corn, they harvested 500 million bushels of SOY BEANS ! Thats more than enough to make 20 cups of tao huay ju (soya bean milk) and 3 bottles of tao yu (soy sauce) for every singaporean ! You can become the next tao yu king ! Hail king tao yu !


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