Aint it a corn in the...
Heres a recent(well, quite recent) report on the current production level of corn in the corny state of Illinois.

Thats a hell'uva lotta corn..
Now, Illinois is also where im going to be studying for the next 4 years(after my National Service, assuming UCLA, Berkeley,Michigan and Texas-Austin decide to forgoe adding another scrawny asian to their student population). It kinda makes me wonder, "Do I want to study in a place thats known for its high corn output?". I mean, some people havnt even heard of this damn state(Yes, thats you Lester. Come out of your shell once in a while will ya?). Is it wise to throw S$200000++ away to eat corn(and its various forms) for the next 4 years?

I donno... I'm praying that at least one of those uni's in California decides to accept me soon(deadline for admission decisions is somewhere around march).. The thought of staying in a place governed by the Terminator himself is somewhat more appealing(yet sad) than playing hide and seek in crop circle filled corn fields.
Eitherway, I'm leaving this boring law-filled country(I'll come to miss it when I do) around August. To my debtors, I'm coming to get you. To my creditors, "NEEAAHHH!!!"...
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