Mr Man is right.
First off, Happy chinese new year to all you unfortunate losers (present company excluded) who found my way to my blog. And yes, the chinese are off by 2 months but we outnumber you non-chinese so one day *you* might be off by 2 months. Currently my number of friendster hits stand at 9, I think they like the picture of Mr Man reclining against my airforce uniform. I believe its a fetish thing.
First things first... Yes Mr Man, Im aware that the majority of the women attending UNSW look like 2 day old train wrecks. The best defense I can cough up is that they are female. But UNSW is a nice place and im sure I will fit in there... as long as I can find the dim sum buffets, Im sure I will survive. The beauty of women is relative to the beholder's threshold for ugliness which is where "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" comes from. Chicken has a high threshold, and im sure I can nurture that same tolerance.
Anyway, If I wanted to goto a Uni exclusively for the babes, its gonna be Tokyo U.

Woohoo! Tokyo U rocks!
Realistically speaking, girls like that wont prod me with the sharp end of a stick. Mr Man calls me a cock face and girls I hit on flee to Texas. I expect no miracles to happen, period. I am as ugly as crap but I love it! Unlike my friend who did some catwalking and modeling for several notable agencies like ah Hock's fried economical bee hoon.

He does a good impression when he eats the Bee Hoon. I believe it saved quite a few people from diarrhoea.
Knowing I can never model for 2 dollar Bee Hoon, I adopted my new philosophy:
"When all else fails, lower your standards!" I dont have to start hitting on blind women, just the ones whom god spent little time on their faces like the ones going to UNSW. So actually, what I am doing would be reducing myself to a pragmatist instead of being an idealist. Almost like a man-slut but not quite. Its easy to judge someone when their track record has been so bad, it defies comprehension. But I have faith in people's ability to believe in what they want to believe. Almost like when Bush did the historic 660 billion dollar budget deficit thing. At least he did what no other president could accomplish, which is probably what the americans are reading into instead of "fuck, I owe the rest of the world 660 billion dollars".
However, if all else fails, I dont intend to be alone all my life so Plan B would be
The truth of the matter is that these girls wont be marrying for love anytime soon and they speak something that sounds like klingon *but* at least they dont look like Klingons (UNSW chicks look almost like klingons... maybe romulans). And to top it off, I will have an ang moh wife who probably has more body hair per square inch than me.

Happy chinese new year everyone. Enjoy it! While the prefix "chinese" is still there...
I see someones been watching too much jap porn. Or Biko 3. That shits just nasty....
Grrr... stupid chicken... you download gigabytes of jap porn wif da cow and now *I* m the bad guy? She is fully clothed for cryin out loud
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