Dont you just hate it when someone starts a blog, and seldom updates it? Well, not that anyone really takes time to come here and read whatever is written here..(Maybe i should tell some people about this blog) Fact is, im too lazy to write stuff here, oh sure its a great way to let people know whats going on in your life, but the problem is, everybody knows whats going on in your life, even before you meet em... You meet up with your friend, whom you never seen for years.. I would go: "Hey, have I told you, I recently got a new..." Then my friend would go: "Oh yea, I read about that in your Blog already..." Then I would say : "Oh, ok, anyway I was just admitted into..." Then my friend would butt in again :"Yup, saw it in your blog..." Drastically reduces subject matter avalable for conversation... Eitherway, the only reason im writing stuff here today, is cos I drank too much coffee just now.. Of course I knew I had a low caffeine tolerance level, but I didn't think Nescafe in a can would have that much effect on me... Well, at least it lasted me thru the shitty show I just watched.(Electra)... Ok, coffee running out... gonna sleep now.... before I do, heres a picture of me(im the ghostly half face in the right hand corner) in Ryan's pimped up ride...I sat in it first, losers...

hey... this blog is cool manZ.... anyway.... i am sharon... hmm.... very interesting... who am i? check out to find out.. haha... is this a shared blog? just checked it out after my friend told me abt it.. haha.. very interesting!! which prata shop did you guys go to??? i usually go to the one at NUS... haha... okie.. take care..
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