Pain on demand, 0 hour to present
220205 - 0400 hrs
Its 0400 am as I write this and all I can think of is that Sydney needs architects with brains at least equaling the common rodent. Or at least, they should stop sub contracting out the cheap contracts to Uzbekistan. My first rad bachelor pad reminds me of the time when my brother sat on me and refused to get up, mostly cause the ventilation is non existent.

As you can see, they even sieved the entry in the effort to further up the mortality rate. The moth, using some form of ancient aboriginal teleportation technique, manages to bypass it and flutters around my room. Due to the extreme heat, stuffiness and wildlife… I christen my room, Ecuador (the Jungle part). They also don’t have water unless you want it straight from the boiler, and by the time it cools down, myriad wildlife had already made their way into it. It would have made a good soup but I am not into Cream of moth.
I also met cousin cow and mousey (and their posse of guy friends… actually, it’s almost a section) from the same University today. No comment. I value my life and rightly so. Apparently, they *do* read our blog. I would also like to retract my statement on UNSW girls in furtherance of my lifespan. You guys are the best. Much love!
In fact, they are such happy campers they positively radiate good cheer and bonhomie. I felt the need to brood silently like my psychopathic brother just to rebalance myself. If it gets any more happy, I think they could take the show on the road and turn it into a sitcom.
230205 - 2200 hrs
Its 23rd of Feb and I lost a day in transition. Mostly cause I did not sleep but still left on the 22nd of Feb at 0700 hrs to canvass the surrounding areas for accommodations. The Jetlag hit me so hard that I have literally forgotten what I did that day. If this continues any longer, I might use up my life’s quota of brain cells before I am through with UNSW.
Today (23rd) has been the best day yet, which is not saying much since I have only been in UNSW for 3 days. ****Warning – Serious stuff, read only if your love for Clarence the Glorious overpowers your better sense of judgment****
Managed to secure accommodations at Warrene College today and am gonna move in tomorrow. Goodbye Ecuador! Ecuador has been cool but seeing how they don’t even bother to make the bed, its starting to look like Ecuador after a bunch of lumberjacks went ballistic through it. Warrene College is almost the dream college of choice, warm expertly cooked food is provided, rooms are cleaned 3 times a week, sheets are provided, internet access through a T1 cable, enough storage room to intimidate U.S. weapons inspectors, computer labs/Libraries/chapel, a gigantic lounge which could probably host the united Pakistani tribes conference, snacks/drinks dispensers and all this at only $250 a week. Now the bad bits, all rooms cannot be locked except from the inside and the disastrous part… no girls living in the dorm.
I try not to imagine too hard, life would be worse staying in Ecuador. There might be females in this monastery but they are probably ninjas trained in the forbidden arts of stealth or posing as fat Chinese nationals.
Got my enrolment and student card done too, it’s almost painful to travel up and down campus and not have females checking you out. My ego is maintained seeing as women in Singapore look at me with all the sexual energy of a rotting log. In fact, my primary friend here in Sydney is a dude called RuWen from Malaysia who introduced me to his horde of Malaysian guy friends. I think I will pretend to be Malaysian… time to start memorizing the names of rural villages with good roti prata. Oh, and RuWen was introduced to me by Mousey who happens also to be Malaysian, the chicken is at the top of the chain as he was the one who started this link. Unfortunately he is Singaporean… Malaysia Bagus!
Oh, and I must say that quite a few native Australians have a beer gut… I wonder if it’s customary like a Henna tattoo or something.

Heres RuWen, he does not do well in the photogenic department and he likes to self hug for some obscure reason. This photo is actually taken on the floor outside the optometry offices. We thought we could score some bitches by doing the African rufugee thingy but no one wanted to feed us much less give us a hug.
RuWen brought me to UTS (another uni, I forgot what the acronym stood for) and frankly, I think I prefer their style of architecture. Basically, the Uni is built to be a self-contained building and has 30 stories. This is a good idea especially since Sydney has certain terrain altitude variations which would make rolling down a decline faster than running down.
Finally moved in to Warrane college today. I have nothing further to say. I think it might take me another 3 years to recover from the shock of another all male building. Heres me room for the next 6 months. Its crap actually.

Im kinda leeching off someones internet Wifi so i will keep this short. Drop me mails K? Im waiting!
hey!! is that the picture of the place you can see my bedroom from!? where are the binos manZZ./..
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