Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Whats happening you lazy Muthers?

Its been about 2 weeks to Sydney and frankly its like the only noticeable post would be Mr Man's admonishment to me to hang my arm out of a car. Anyway, another rare update which seems more frequent than what you guys can do. I have started term and the educators have decided to throw material I have never even heard of at me in the vain hope I will absorb the words through the power of the magic Australian air. Hello! I am Singaporean, just gimme the 10 year series and all will be good in the hood. Of course they dont have ten year series here... heck, they dont even have McSpicy double. They will pay for their sins of course... They always do.

Im not feeling very funny so if its not funny, go hang your arm outta the car and drive to Malaysia. Dont worry, it will turn up again in one of the local joints under a chicken curry of some sort. The girls here are seriously more docile than the ones in Singapore. Either that or im uglier than I ever thought possible. Then again, I dont have a pimped out ride and a gigantic right bicep.

Mr Man, I think its really sad you do not understand the point of this Blog. The point of this Blog is to bitch about everything under the freaking sun. Everyone bitches here... heck, even you bitch but not overtly. Life is like a car. If it breaks down, you bitch. If you run it into something, you bitch. If you get a bitch on your snazzy pimped out ride, you generally do not post it on the blog.

Back to my life in sydney, I watched constantine again for 11 bucks. Multiply that by 1.3 and you know how desperate I am for social interaction. The black bra in the wet white T-shirt doesnt really cut it on a second screening. If anything, you wonder why they couldnt get an actress who looks better... must have paid everything to Mr Reeves. Oh... and they have like *only* salty popcorn. I question the powers that be (Are you listening Mr Howard???) on this oversight and wonder if perhaps they are trying to balance the Diabetics with enough Hypertensives so the Cardiologists can get some Moolah.

I love Sydney. Its not clean, the trees are droopy and look like toilet brushes, the women drivers here are spastic (I almost got run over... dont they know not to turn in the face of a pedestrian?), the chicks are unreactive, the locals speak like canadian farmers (now where did I get that from?) and its as dead after 7pm as a decomposing sloth. But at least its not Singapore. Its a refreshingly different perspective and I swear never to make this mistake again.


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