Why the SAF doesnt want me to do Reservist
Not long ago, I found out that the very same organization that I gave up 2 years of my life for, doesnt want me to continue working with them till im old and grey(or till I have children and they reach an age where they'll elope with a pot-smokin dragon-chasin yuppie driving a Honda CRX decorated with gay neon lights). I sat in my yellow coloured beanbag in my livingroom, deep in thought(actually I was playing Naruto on my PS2, Damn Sasuke's Chidori is so cool!)... Why wouldn't the SAF want me to continue on as a reservist?
I could only come up with the following few reasons...
1) All regulars surf Gay porn. This has nothing to do with the topic on hand, but I just want everyone to know.
2) They realise that at the rate I steal stuff from the camp storerooms, it'll be more cost effective for them to keep me away from any camp with stores(and people wonder why I have so many lightsticks at home)
3) They expect me to earn a 6-figure salary in the future, they cannot afford to call me back for even a week..(They can tell the future!)
4) Einstien was born with an outstanding mind.
Clinton was born with the ability to lie.
Regulars were born with a thirst for gay porn.
I was born with the ability to produce a "CRACK" sound with my right shoulder, thus making it sound like a dislocated shoulder.
This is my shoulder(In the future after 10000 bicep curls)

This is how it looks from Mr X-Ray machine's view

The Arrows point to the part of my shoulderbone that makes the loud crack noise at my command.
Due to the loud crack sound I can make and my insanely convincing acting skills(Oh my God! Mr Doctor Sir.. Its SooOOoooOOOooo painful everytime i move it! *CRACK!* AwWwwgGHhhHhh!!)... Thus making the Always-Right SAF Doctor think my shoulder looks like this..

Being the weak-shouldered NSF I am, I was deemed incapable of further giving up more of my life to our country(and they dont want to be liable for any shoulder injuries I sustain during service). I was given a PES status C (Dad : Son ah, why did you downgrade? now you can never go to OCS arrr, Your grandfather was a Major, I was a Captain, all your uncles were captains.. Why like thattttttt??).. Despite my valiant efforts to convince my dad that the "C" in PesC actually stands for "Cavalier" and not "Corporal", he still isnt too happy about my fall from grace... Neither am I.. *Snicker snicker*
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