Why MLMs are the work of Satan
Despite the hurtfully one sided title of this blog, this is really a fair compairson of the pros and cons of Multi Level Marketing. Anybody wishing to venture into the wonderful world of network marketing,or those who are already in it(I pity the fools), should read this.
1) Rest easy, that all MLM agents would sooner or later, go to hell after they die. Satan has a special room just for them. Lavishly furnished with one table, 2 chairs and hundreds of aroma therapy bottles. Theres plenty of room for more than a hundred agents in the 3x3m room(Satan doesnt fucking care if they cant breathe in the room, nobody cares).
1) MLMs sell the oddest of products, at prices only logical if the product was encrusted with diamonds and rubies. Take this beautiful aroma-therapy set for example.

It costs S$330(Inclusive of a free bottle of insecticide, they call "Essencial Oils")
Slightly(Very). Overpriced for a fancy ash tray.
2) MLMs use their products to cover up what they are really selling, nothing. The money used to pay for these products are actually used to fill the coffers of all those that are above you(Basically everybody in the company)
3) MLM agents are actually working for the company for FREE. Attracted by the alluring promise of riches beyond their parent's monthly allowances, foolish adolescents are brainwashed into working like dogs for the company. The only money they will ever earn, is that of the friends which they trick into joining the company.
MLM is the work of the devil himself, spreading like Aids in Bangkok, soon most of the world's markets would be MLM-atized. As stated in the bible(not really),
Joshua 12 : 5
And then the world filleth with Multi Level Marketing. They which weareth the black pants, work shirts and discount ties covered the earth as did the cockroaches once.
Joshua 12 : 6
God saweth the filth and discord Network Marketing has brought unto his world. He was not pleased. Oh, he was not pleased.
Joshua 12 : 7
He said unto Ali-G :"You and all ya homies betta get on ze love boat, cos I za not liking wat I za see. Head to da Westside and ye shall find peace."
Joshua 12 : 8
And so, the floods descended unto the earth, washing away all that is unholy, over the edge of the earth(The Earth was flat, at time of writing)
hey.. MLM sux manZ.... better choose the right company you join if you still insist it does not sux....
No.. The chicken thinks all MLMs are evil.. There is no right company.. Only those that are wrong, in so many different ways...
azri still owns u money..... -_-" u know who i am.. lol
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