Sydney is starting to feel like home, not quite the home you go home to. But rather it feels more like the bunk you had back in BMT. It does not quite feel right in all the proper places and you share it with 11 other guys but at least you feel a tinge of familiarity and belonging as you step back into the room.
The room being a lousy 2 by 4 (approx) with a painted ceiling and unpainted walls (why? forces of darkness? why?)
Anyway, the recent optometry faculty harbour cruise was on full swing with the usual supressed asian nerds going ga-ga trying to drink, chat up girls, devour as much free pizza as humanely possible and just act out... Sometimes all at once (which does make for quite a scene).
This being my 3rd (and hopefully final) year, me and some ol' chums decided to go all out to win the prize for best dressed to the theme "Freaks, Geeks and goddesses". Being Singaporean and genetically kiasu, I pushed for obviously the most unreachable target... goddess. I reasoned that either we succeed in our overly diabolical plan to win a dubious award (and an equally dubious bottle of wine) with our "dress as a goddess" plot or we would fail and fall into the freak zone. Either way, we had both bases covered.

Our pre-party operations included taking a photo of Vincent in his debut appearance as a goddess.

Then we all became goddesses. I think we overdid it a little with the pre-easter sales on bunny ears (2 bucks a pop).

I must say we felt a little intimidated at the Man 'O' War steps when security was bolstered at the entrance of the Opera House as we switched to Goddess Gear. Furthermore, everyone kinda dressed normally while we looked like a homosexual parade. But then again, that means we stood a better chance to win. After about 6 million embarassing photos, we finally got on the boat where we proceeded to get drunk enough not to feel socially out of place. That meant 4 beers at my current liver tolerance level.
Once we were less sober, we became what I like to call the frickin tourist photo spot when everyone and anyone came up to have their photos taken.

There is more... but my beer goggles were up and I dont remember them.

People dance till they sweat here... its practically insane. I remember flailing around alot in wild abandon trying to work off the alcohol. I think I took out an eye.
Ellsworth, I seroquel believe, politely said Mr.. XI bextra Ralph and Evelyn happened to meet at the pump, quite accidentally, after the former had made half a dozen five-minute-apart trips for a drink.. For the first half hour or so he chooses common and easy words, that the spirit of the evening may not be damped by the too early omeprazole thinning of the classes.. These dreams are ever sufficiently mysterious by reason of the choice of persons who are made the objects of sex, the removal of all the barriers which cry halt to the dreamer's sexual needs in his waking state, amoxicillin the many strange reminders as to details of what are called perversions.. And how did you know we were in effexor Washington? inquired Miss Lydia.. While I stood bewildered at the suddenness of this ativan accident (which might have happened, nevertheless, to any one under the sun), and while I still continued incapable of sight, I was accosted by the Angel of the Odd, who proffered me his aid with a civility which I had no reason to expect.. And yet--and yet, said Titbottom, after a pause, I ranitidine am not sure that I thank my grandfather.. Being consulted as viagra to the Rules of the Institution and the selection of a Superintendent, he replied, that all Boards must construct their own Platforms of operation.. I shall therefore cite some examples of dreams which I have gathered cialis from children.. He led the way viagra into the suite and struck a match.. Alack! the Colonel's face was equally flushed, and his own beady eyes were on clonazepam his desk.. What do you ask for meals and acetaminophen lodging until this time to-morrow? he interrupted.. One day in spring as the two sat norco in their city office, where Mr.. And in public acting, replied Hargraves. fosamax. Such a dreamer, when dissatisfied with the course taken by the dream, breaks it off without awakening, and begins it anew in order to continue it with a different phentermine turn, like the popular author who, on request, gives a happier ending to his play...
Ellsworth, I compazine believe, politely said Mr.. XI cialis Ralph and Evelyn happened to meet at the pump, quite accidentally, after the former had made half a dozen five-minute-apart trips for a drink.. For the first half hour or so he chooses common and easy words, that the spirit of the evening may not be damped by the too early augmentin thinning of the classes.. These dreams are ever sufficiently mysterious by reason of the choice of persons who are made the objects of sex, the removal of all the barriers which cry halt to the dreamer's sexual needs in his waking state, alprazolam the many strange reminders as to details of what are called perversions.. And how did you know we were in cialis Washington? inquired Miss Lydia.. While I stood bewildered at the suddenness of this norvasc accident (which might have happened, nevertheless, to any one under the sun), and while I still continued incapable of sight, I was accosted by the Angel of the Odd, who proffered me his aid with a civility which I had no reason to expect.. And yet--and yet, said Titbottom, after a pause, I viagra am not sure that I thank my grandfather.. Being consulted as lexapro to the Rules of the Institution and the selection of a Superintendent, he replied, that all Boards must construct their own Platforms of operation.. I shall therefore cite some examples of dreams which I have gathered spironolactone from children.. He led the way xanax into the suite and struck a match.. Alack! the Colonel's face was equally flushed, and his own beady eyes were on biaxin his desk.. What do you ask for meals and penicillin lodging until this time to-morrow? he interrupted.. One day in spring as the two sat viagra in their city office, where Mr.. And in public acting, replied Hargraves. coumadin. Such a dreamer, when dissatisfied with the course taken by the dream, breaks it off without awakening, and begins it anew in order to continue it with a different pseudoephedrine turn, like the popular author who, on request, gives a happier ending to his play...
Ellsworth, I singulair believe, politely said Mr.. XI potassium Ralph and Evelyn happened to meet at the pump, quite accidentally, after the former had made half a dozen five-minute-apart trips for a drink.. For the first half hour or so he chooses common and easy words, that the spirit of the evening may not be damped by the too early ibuprofen thinning of the classes.. These dreams are ever sufficiently mysterious by reason of the choice of persons who are made the objects of sex, the removal of all the barriers which cry halt to the dreamer's sexual needs in his waking state, oxycodone the many strange reminders as to details of what are called perversions.. And how did you know we were in phentermine Washington? inquired Miss Lydia.. While I stood bewildered at the suddenness of this seroquel accident (which might have happened, nevertheless, to any one under the sun), and while I still continued incapable of sight, I was accosted by the Angel of the Odd, who proffered me his aid with a civility which I had no reason to expect.. And yet--and yet, said Titbottom, after a pause, I tizanidine am not sure that I thank my grandfather.. Being consulted as magnesium to the Rules of the Institution and the selection of a Superintendent, he replied, that all Boards must construct their own Platforms of operation.. I shall therefore cite some examples of dreams which I have gathered penicillin from children.. He led the way ritalin into the suite and struck a match.. Alack! the Colonel's face was equally flushed, and his own beady eyes were on norvasc his desk.. What do you ask for meals and codeine lodging until this time to-morrow? he interrupted.. One day in spring as the two sat motrin in their city office, where Mr.. And in public acting, replied Hargraves. valium. Such a dreamer, when dissatisfied with the course taken by the dream, breaks it off without awakening, and begins it anew in order to continue it with a different lithium turn, like the popular author who, on request, gives a happier ending to his play...
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