I love Singapore
I love Singapore.. because its been my home for the past 21 years(and also because I don't feel so puny everytime I walk around the streets)..
I havnt been bringing my camera around much lately(and even if I do, I seldom take pics), but here's what I've got...
This is a picture of my Dorm Room the night before I left Illinoissss.

As you can see, I've been doing alot of packing(and I still have alot left to do) Thats what I get for procrastinating till the last minute(how did I ever find my books to study? Oh wait, what books? wha?)
Here's a pic of my roommate right before he left...

As you can see by his friendly hand gestures, he likes me very much. Don't worry roomie, the feeling is mutual, you biatch... I keed.. I keed.... I miss his random verbal insults and window shattering farts.
Anyway, back to packing... Same as the time I first came to the States, Pack Rat Choo manages to stuff all his cares and woes into one single hard suitcase(not forgetting Goat's Fabric Softener, you fucker, you'd better take along with you back to Aussie).

I missed airplane food..

No matter how hard they try, the airline cooks always manage to make something nice taste so bad.. Even so, this was the first char siew I had in 4 months, so I wasnt really complaining.. Somehow, it feels nice to eat wrapped food out of a tray.. Its like a Kinder surprise.. The stewardess says white rice, you get a rice biscuit, which is a chinese delicacy(found only in Chinese families who cant cook for nuts).
Ok, something more recent,
we had a BBQ/Happy party at Cow's crib, where the usual partons as well as some really cool guests bonded in alcoholic friendship.

This is a pic from a few days ago...
comparing it to a picture taken in the exact same spot, 11 months ago,

The only 2 things that have changed since then, are Cow's bedsheets(due to over excessive Cow Lovin'), and the guy on the floor, who is(last we heard) still somewhere in Russia(probably also drunk on the floor with a wooly hat on his head).
We gave offerings(of happy juice) to his likeness(a picture of him on a laptop screen)

all this in a hope that he will one day return to grace our toiletbowls with his life giving(or taking) vomit.
In honor of Mr Man(the one lost in Russia), some of us reinacted the scene which shot Mr Man(AKA Chief Wooly Hat) to instant idolization.

The Masturbating Monkey and Chief Red Face doing the "Mr Man Dance"......
1) Spike the fruit punch with enough Barcardi to set your liver on fire

Mini Tip : Too much Barcardi is never enough
2) Test the fruit punch yourself, making sure you got the right mix of ying and yang(you don't want to under-spike your drink, now do you?)

Mini Tip : When in doubt, just add the whole bottle
3) Let your girlfriend have a go on "The Wild Side"

Mini Tip : If she refuses to drink, use the sympathy card : "If you love me you will drink"
4) Get Jiggy with it

Mini Tip : Na Na Na Na Na Na Na.... Gettin Jiggy with it..Na Na Na Na Na Na Na....
Disclaimer : The 2 people in the pictures did not really do what you think they did. They were actually drinking plain water from the helmets. They then proceeded to sit down and talk about important world issues like Global Warming and World Cow Rights.
Time Well Wasted