Burnt Toast
I am OFFICIALLY BACK! Watch your rear views for that long black streak with navigational issues! 2 long months to tan, pump and drive yo asses from east to da west. From Sim Lim to Killiney Kopitiam, Bukit Timah Branch! On a side note, I was walking from my gate at the airport and lo and behold, I saw a Killiney Kopitiam within the customs area... far out. Its spreading like MacDonalds...
Anyway, decided to update this blog wif Handphone pics of my apartment... my international ass is too poverty stricken to afford a camera atm.
First of all, this is the view of the living room and part of the kitchen.

I have nothing funny to say about it.... cause it isnt funny... it just looks boring. Even Joshua's house had more going for it with his antiques and horny turtles which jacked off over my brother's hand.
And now, the main attraction was the collection of books we assembled to study from the time we get up into the wee hours of the night.

I dont know how those bottles got there... but it *is* australia, I probably got 2 bottles of wine for every textbook I bought.
And now the kitchen...

I dont recall much was actually used except for the microwave... (note to housemate: just kidding! you cooked good! Better than the mulch I got from microwaving cereal with milk)
And this is me room

Contrary to popular accliam, the only magic that happens here is page 345 of Griffin's Anomalies of Binocular vision 3rd Edition.
And finally, when depression kicks in and I needta DOTA or when desperation kicks in and I need porn or when exams kick in and I needta catch up on 13 weeks of work.... Me Desk!

I know. I know. But a suitcase is heaps cheaper than an Ikean desk.
And of course...

She is not so much dangerous as she is *potentially dangerous* Either way... hell hath no fury than a woman scorned. And my house mate takes scorn less well than most.
Thats my life thus far... Will update this spot once I get a tan on Goat's Weird Nerdy Optom Friends (and a special on Yao Yao the chinese bear)!
Basturd Goat, why did u have to go and reach back Singapore befire I do? You better not go to empress without me...
On a sidenote, (To Masturbating Monkey) did he bring back more Fabric Softener? Please answer by friday, cos this will affect the kind of Gifts I bring home for that Alcoholic ass...
Haha you all suck... and chicken, i think everyone and his mother has reached singapore before you. And yes... i promise not to goto empress... In fact... u better have bulked up and be prepared to drag me to that flea bitten hellhole.
And i dont drink... i use the cheap wine to clean the windows... what else would you clean the windows with? And cheap wine is cheaper than window cleaner
it's hell hath no fury LIKE a woman scorned you silly goose you!
anyway, i'm harmless ok!
My england no good matey. Haha Nice to hear from you always, I think im gonna do a special on daddy goat's cars... all i need is a scenic location and hot bitches
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