Huh ?
Huh ?
My 3 months in Sweden can be described as a big hazy memory. Lets try to start from the beginning.
5 June 2005 GMT +1 16:40
After making a landing at Sweden Arlanda Airport, we head off to make some necessary purchases of supplies.

just to show that I'm not just looking to get drunk, we have the wine section at only 12% - 20%, for the pussy drinkers. Swedish people have warehouses of alcohol which they call Systembolaget, which is actually Swahilli for "oh happy days". Don't ask me why Swedish people speak Swahili. Wait, what ?

9 June 2005 GMT +1 11:40
I wake up and discover its the 9th of June and I'm in Finland. Haha, no, I'm just kidding, I'm in Sweden. Wait, huh ? And I have big hangover, so i do what most Swedish people do to get rid of headaches, swim in lakes.

And then here I am again, obviously high. On life that is !

15 June 2005 GMT +1 3:00
I start work and then I have my first tea break at the office. But instead of tea, its beer. And instead of office, its happy land !

1 July 2005 GMT +1 11:40
I realise my furniture is sticky with alcohol so I have to get new easily alcohol resistant crap. For that, there is always Ikea.

Basically the inside of that Ikea is like a department store in Singapore, but instead of department store, its Sentosa. what ?
After helping to drag home that damned ironing board the chinaman HAD to buy, we had dinner. And by dinner, I meant a kilogram of meatballs. fuck the spaghetti.

I also managed to buy a cheap form of transportation around Stockholm.

no, its actually this.

no, I actually meant I travel around in this.

Unknown, Unknown ????
I met some people somewhere to have something to eat, I think. I'm not sure though, although heres a picture to prove it. hmmmm....

Heres a picture of what 2 chinaman would look like in the middle of Stockholm City.

No, that doesn't fit at all. Oh ya, the whole of stockholm has been frozen in time since the rule of Frederick the Drunk IIVVXXII. There are no sky scrapers or whatever, its just those buildings at the back, EVERWHERE. I guess its supposed to be beautiful or something, but huh ? what ?
ok, moving on. I think I have more crap, but I'll update whenever again. But I'll leave you with this picture, which will speak volumes about my next addiction.

dude, that is some nice photography.
no, actually i meant it's a pretty good camera.
Mr Man! You're alive! Glad to know.. Unlike the Goat, remember to bring back more than just fabric softener when u come back.
Oh, definitely. I will bring back some very strange things. straaaange. whoooooo. whoooooooooo. Your pictures of America make me jealous though. I'm jealous. Roar. wait, what ?
That was some good fabric softener, where else in the world do u get it with a yellow duck on it? And I brought home da green fairy didnt I? It just tasted a little too much like industrial strength paint remover...
bah absinthe is nothing. I can get the stuff leftover from distilling liquor. It will kill you to drink it, but we can all smell it and be happy.
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