Drunk Test - Purt 2
err... pictures.... ... from here..... to there...
Today is Thursday.. The americans call it Thirsty Thursday(go figure)...
Friday and saturday nights arent enough, so they have to add one more night just for the heck of it...
Anyway.. back to the basics... This is my room(Before pimping)...

its boring...clean floor... so much wasted space... But after $80 at Walmart and a trip back to my roommate's home, we managed to pimp up the room quite abit...

Fake Grass carpet to play golf on - $13
"Illinois" Bean Bag - $25
Surround Sound Speakers - $32
Lava Lamp - $10
Posters of Half Naked Girls - $4
Extra TV, HiFi, Microwave, Fridge and 2 more bean bags - Roommate's house
I left my study table empty thou.. thats how i did my accounting homework before thirsty thursday...
This is my closet... I brought my signature "messy style" over friom Singkapore..
Can you spot the hidden Jim Beam?

And of course, my room isnt complete without my Roommate.

He normally just sits down and stones, unless I give him some Alcohol to drink.. Then he wears his cap crooked and makes swishing noises with his mouth..(I'm guessing the noises signify how fast he's going to get piss drunk)
Heres a picture of random ang mohs that smelt the alcohol coming out of our room and came in for some.

From Left to Right...
Michael(My Roommate,wearing his cap crooked), Ross(Katie's Friend), Katie(Ross's Friend), Super Cool Asian Guy(Super Cool Asian Guy), Kelvy(Michael's friend)
Here's a random picture of Walmart.

100 times larger than the biggest Supermarket in Singapore, they sell everything from Bananas to Shotguns... Notice the ceiling? there is no end to it.. Some say, if you continue to walk in a Srtaight line thru Walmart, eventually you will reach back to the same point you started from. There is no Beginning. There is no end. There is only Walmart.
This is the Bus i take to school everyday

It seldom comes on time.. and at certain times of the day, it doesn't come at all.. Stats show, that most traffic accidents in my school area were caused by busses hitting people. They are a force to be reckoned with. They are the law in this town.
We get served buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of the week... non stop... forever and ever and ever....

The Dining hall staff try their best to make the Freshman 15(Freshmen all gain 15 pounds at the start) a reality. As you can see, they are doing a good job... As Singaporeans cannot stay away from buffets..
WOW! life looks pretty good there!
does the buffet breakfast means i'll see a gorila when u come back? haha...
enihows those ang moh gers look hot!
how long is ur course?
Hello, I hope you're settling in ever so nicely there. I'm very excited for you, especially for seeing ground zero. Study hard, dear kuzin, learn the American way of life but never forget your native singlish tongue. Take back anything but an american accent. Please buy me real metal handcuffs. Thankchew.
btw... please write more about your nice roomie, take more pictures too, including ones you must risk your life and reputation for, thankchew.
mr chicken - has anyone come up to you (drunk or otherwise) and said:
"hey, mr super cool asian guy, i want to f*** your brains out!"
yet? do keep us people back home updated on the adventures of the chicken.
Wanna check with you something about medications u had.
Can u get back to me at sendtojia@hotmail.com
To Mrs Cow : Everything here is either cheesy, fried or sugar glazed. It is only a matter of time before I upsize my pant size.
Anyway, my course is about 3 years.. May be staying longer during summer cos im trying to do a double degree in 3 years. I will never forget that you bought the Panasonic camera instead of the Casio. May your hands be forever shakey.
To Kuzin : Yes i hate the american accent. I sound like a bad actor in a Singaporean English Drama Series.(Speaking of which, hows the Drama starring all those Singapore Idol fools?)
And yes I'll try to get some handcuffs for you Dear Kuzin. I miss all those quiet dinners we had round the dinner table at Long Beach Seafood Resturant.
To Mr Leong : No they havn't said that to me, but they have said :"Oh my god, you've been thru the army? Thats sooo cool! *Burp* But arent u supposed to be all...buffed up??"
I'm assuming they meant "When I want some meat, I go to the Men's section, not the Children's department"
Lan Jiao, Understand?
To Anonymous : You are queer...
To Jack : No, not drunk.. I reully kant spell fur nuts...
And yes you will have fun in New Zealand. You can get jiggy with the animals during your FarmStay...
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