Whats going on?
Can you tell what the manly man in the picture is demonstrating?

Post your answer in the comments section with your name and answer and stand a chance to win a mucho big prize, and it aint going to be just a picture with potatoes pasted on... Once you see the picture, please send in an answer. If you do not, you will have 10 years of bad luck, and your e-mail(remember to give us your e-mail too) would be bombarded with lots of e-mails which end off with retarded threats(just like this one) like "If you don't forward this e-mail to 20 people within 24 hours, your bunny rabbit will die"...
Here are some clues which lead to the above mentioned picture...
1) It was teken in a Gay club
2) There were many funny stains on the cushions where we sat

3) The Manly Man in the picture had to use Halal Toothpaste to cleanse his mouth after everything

Good luck to all...
"dentist's chair" treatment where alcohol is poured down one's throat. the inevitable choking and gagging leads to the stains on the cushions and the rancid mix of alcohol left in the mouth ferments into vinegar, thus necessitating the usage of the toothpaste.
As the contest has not ended, I cannot say who is correct or wrong. But it doesnt really matter, cos everyone's a winner on DAFANSU. Contest ends in a few days(wien i feel like it). Those who mention anything about whatever guys sleeping next to me for whatever reason will be forced to go watch Initial D by him/herself.
dammit, mr chicken, finish the contest already!
I am deeply disturbed by the emergence of the funky spunk (i.e. stains) and the obviously happy visage of a deeply loved individual (yes, you read it right, no love is as good as deep deep love). This is a family orientated blog for crying out loud!!!
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