So much bad luck
I've been having bad luck the past 7 days... Things just keep going wrong... This is why I didn't update the blog for such a long time... This is why I didn't pick up your calls the other day... This is why I didn't go out with you the other day... This is why I'm going to win ToTo/4D very very soon...
Cos my luck has to get better...
1) I trashed the car

I was turning out of my house lane when this happened.
Theres this nice big metal fuse box, conveniently placed at the entrance of my lane. This, along with various other trees and lamposts, create a nice blindspot where motorcycles and various other small easy-to-hit-fast-moving-objects can hide and jump up on you when you least expect it. When I was turning out of my lane, a motorcycle hit me from the right. As a motorcyclist is basically just flesh and bone riding on a small metal frame with the power of 100 horses, he got flung around quite abit. His right knee cap and right testis took quite a beating. I hope he'll be alright. I don't wanna kill off a whole family line.
On my side, I'm lucky my dad could read the future - buying the necessary insurance to cover whatever property he owns from whatever damage I do.
But that does not change the fact that I feel like crap.
2) My orthodontist put rubberbands in my mouth

These damn things have to stay in my mouth 24/7, except for once a night, when i get to take em out to brush that area of my teeth. Now these rubberbands aren't the problem. Its what they are connected to, that is the worst. To connect these rubberbands from the top to the bottom of my mouth, theres some spikes stuck on the inside bottom right of my teeth(molars). These spike's primary function is to hold the rubberbands in place, its secondary function is to pierce into my tongue, making every little tongue movement feel as if im slowly sawing it off.
Its not like tongue movements are common... I mean, I only need to move my tongue when eating, drinking, talking, swallowing and sometimes breathing...
3) They %$#!@!!! recalled me for reservist

Even though I was downgraded(they supposed to medical-board me in june, but they havnt),
even though I applied for disruption due to studies overseas and they accepted it. They still want to call me back for reservist when I'm not in Singapore. Now I have to go to some weird camp(I'm assuming its located somewhere far away from my house, as the SAF loves to make us support Singapore's public transport system) to explain to them, that they are screwed up.
4) My computer monitor didn't want to work anymore

Well, I should have seen it coming. Maybe those hissing sounds it was making lately wasn't part of its "normal operation". Eitherways, this was the main reason I couldn't write any shit here.
I had to spend $490(U.P. $499, $9 Sandy Pussy Discount) to get a new screen. It was a good decision, if I ever wanted to watch "Pimp My Ride" again, with my man X to the Z Xzibit...

"Xzibit", now thats 10 times more gangster than puppy dog names like "Nelly" or "Snoop Doggy Dog".
5) I watched Wet Dreams 2(and I didn't bring alcohol)
I had the chance to watch Fantastic 4, but the Cow aka. Edison(pronounced with a cantonese slang, E1 Di2 Son3) insisted on Wet Dreams 2, on the basis that it was "cool" for 4 guys to watch a show about Underage Korean Girls who want to have sex, together.
Now, although the show does have some saving graces, like
scene with hot underage korean girl working an ice cream stick(picture taken direct from cinema)

scene with stupid korean guy watching hot underage korean girl working an ice cream stick

and scene with hot underage korean girl who worked an ice cream stick, now undressing

The only problem was, I had no alcohol with me in the Cinema(meaning I was sober throughout the whole show, which was painful).
So you see, I've been having day after day of shitty things happen to me. Sucks don't it?
I'm going to buy a few scratch cards tomorrow, and I bloody hell better win something...
Or I'll cry...
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mr chicken - how fast was the man on the bike going? that's some serious damage to the car....
on another note, you must buy me dinner before you leave. (note that i didn't say "we must have dinner together") =)
I have no idea how fast the guy was going, but he did fly around quite abit... I'm assuming 60km/h... It was a big bike(WAS a big bike)...
Car repairs amount to more than $6000, i think the Insurance company wants to scrap the car...
And yes I'd love to get you dinner.. Hows Rations-a-la-king sound? I'll bring the cream sauce and mushrooms...
if u can make light of wad happened as u did in this blog. den im sure ur doing okie. :)
chin up!
im sure that dude gets a kick out of sayin "ive got bigger balls den u" now.
haha, i guess... hope he recovers.. He is approx 3 times the man I am now... His manhood is so heavy that he cant really walk around much..
so did you buy any scratch cards?
did you win anything?
Yes i bought 2 scratch cards, and no i did not win anything... Not even one of those $2 "better luck next time sucker" conso prizes...
life sucks...
Xiao bai ji so sway ah... poor thing, u just received ur licence about 1-2 years ago and so fast "buang" already. Make sure u don't drive when u go US or UK for ur Uni( srry... DBJ(DaBaiJi) have bad memory ) :)
hey don't feel too bad... you didn't kill the guy so you must not have been driving that dangerously. Anyway, these motorcyclists zip around like they're invincible, make people injure them and feel guilty. you could cheer up by watching hotter girls in the cinema for a start.
Da Bai Ji! Dun worry, I dun think I'll have enuff money to buy a car in the US.. The people there are safe..dun worry...(but I heard u can get a car for $2000, it might be missing a piston or 2, but if i can just get my hands on one......) Faster come back to Singapore Da Bai Ji...
Thanks Tiff, I know i can always count on my supportive and biased cuzin... The only good family is a biased family... Please become a good Lawyer in the future. The way I drive, I'm guessing I'd be needing one next time...
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