I'm still alive
Stupid Masturbating Monkey, think u can take over this blog just cos u've got so much storage space from NUS... think again biatch....
Well, im actually posting here cos I've ran out of underwear and I just threw some into the washer/dryer, so im waiting for them to be done.... Instead of surfing on to ebay to see what the devil has to offer, I decided to post something here once again...
Didnt have much time to post shit as usual...and my finals are next week... cool shit huh?
I went to boston over the 1 week thanksgiving break...
And true our nature, stupid singaporeans brought lotsa books and notes along to study during the vacation. Lusers....

I'm glad I only brought my accounting books...
We had a small problem.. we didnt book the correct hotel(motel) online..The Boston Bedford.. and we ended up in some shitty place 30 miles away from Boston city itself.. It would have been perfect for us if we wanted to hide from the authorities, as it is rumoured that the road that leads to The Boston Bedford is only accessable during the day. By night, mountain lions and zombies(the ones that cant really walk fast, but scare the shit out of you nonetheless) inhabit the place, making travel suicidal.

Check out the "Fuck my ass and spank me silly" looks on our faces after the taxi dropped us off at the Boston Bedford...
The food in Boston(like any other city) was expensive.. But then again, the price is proportional to the size of it..

Or the amount of unhealthy stuff they add to the food..

Pictured above, is a Harvard burger.. So called because its from a cafe located in the centre of Harvard university. In an attempt to gain intelligence, we downed a few Harvard burgers, onion rings and milkshakes for lunch.. But all we got was an uneasy stomach and the strong desire to skip dinner and breakfast the next day(as well as the whole general idea of eating altogether)
After lunch, we went around Harvard square and practiced some Illinois Loyalty...

Since young, I always assumed Harvard and MIT were in 2 different places.. it was only during this break that i found out that they were next to each other. I'm guessing this was all planned out. Putting all the smartest people together in one central place.. Retrofitting the whole land mass area with rockets and if the world ever ends, the good people of MIT and Harvard can be blasted off to the moon to continue the human race, starting their own Utopia of Uber Nerds. They will then create some sort of time travel device to go back in time, before the world ends, to save all the rare spiderman comics they can find.
But thats just my theory(although all evidence points to me being right)

AS u can see above, the buildings of MIT have been designed to look really nice on the moon. They even have some chrome buildings for that "Star Trek" look.
Anyway, after spending most of my moneys on food in Boston, I decided to go leech off my nice friend Butoh who was at Northwestern University(Chicago)

Pictured here cooking his magic "Foreign student living alone in an apartment" casserole(Salmon, Chicken, Brocolli, White stuff, Carrots and Mushrooms) for me to eat.
Foreign students often cook meals at home(if they have apartments), as the choice of food in the city aint that fantastic.

Anyway, all that happened like, a week ago.. but I just didnt have time to write about it.... im taking my exams in a weeks time(not like I wasnt having exams non stop for the past 4 months) and i'll be spending most of my time studying.. which blows... it dont help that on some nights(when I forget to lock my door), Indians come in from nowhere and stary playing the PS2 in my room, disturbing my sleep...

Multi Cultural Saussage Fest in my room

We'll be back in sg eating normal food next week! Woohoo!!!
Hot damn, kuzin! I think your room mate is delectable.
Yea I want some chicken rice.... With an egg... add roast pork....
And Kuzin : no he's not... he was sitting upside down... that's his ass ur looking at, not his face..
How do go about your daily life without *assaulting* your room mate? I don't understand.
Joshua! I know I'm asking for a little too much, but if you come across this CD by this HOT SWEDE called Gunther, entitled Pleasureman, you must pick up two copies---one for yourself and one for me. i've provided the link to his site so you can understand why I love him so.
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