Boring life
Nothing much has happened the past week or so on my life... Well, theres nothing much to do anyway, in the middle of 2 cornfields(This isnt just an expression, the surrounding areas are really filled with corn).
But for what did happen, here's a pictorial report.
Sometime last weekend,
I went to a Tailgate party.

For those of you who don't know what the hell that is...
It occurs when many people drive their big trucks and SUVs to a random grass patch near a football game. They deploy their Trucks and SUVs(Deploy, as in take out the beer and BBQ) and start drinking n cooking saussages. All this starts at 8am in the morning. So instead of tea, toast and eggs over easy, you get "Beer, Balls and lotsa meat"(which also happens to be the word definition for an "All American Breakfast").

We had a fire alarm go off last week saturday night(4.30am).. Basically everyone who comes back drunk has a 10% chance of pulling a firealarm off just for the heck of it. Since everyone in the block comes home drunk on saturday nights, thats 1000x10% = 10000% chance of getting a fire alarm pulled on a Saturday night.
And like any fire drill, everyone has to gather downstairs while the nice firemen go and turn off the alarm.

Indians keep coming into my room, so me and my roommate had to dispatch them, death by beer-stained beanbag.

Ben N Jerrys is dirt cheap. Which results in us buying truckloads to eat before we sleep... mmm.. Protein...

We went apple plucking few days ago at the nearby Orchard..

The rule is, you can go in and eat whatever apples you can, but u pay for whatever you bring out.

Most apples were green and we couldn't tell which were sweet and which were not, so we just ended up throwing them around.

My inability to eat apples due to my bracers has forced me to retire into the Pumpkin Fields for the rest of the day, while everyone else throws apples around.

To my roommate :
I missed you during the weekend, so i got random people to come and sleep in our room, cos i was lonely. I drank some of your orange juice too.

ok, im tired from studying for my accy test. so i'll go to bed now... ugh...
where are the pics of half naked ang moh girls?! Stop posting pics of half naked guys! phFt!!!
Josh, you better have done one or the other asian chick in that last photo (the one on the bed looks like a guy though but I couldnt be sure... u r not very discerning anyway). If all the stories you have are the flavours of the local produce you ate, I will run you over with the business end of my uncle's BIG ass Lorry
Will post hot pictures of cornfields very soon... they are so abundant here, we take no notice of them...
and there is no such thing as half named ang moh girls... only fully naked ones...
Dont worry horny goat, when i get back, i'll have the latest stories on which Fabric Softener is hot, and which is not...
done one or the other asian chick? with others in the room?
or, better yet, pictures!
nah, scrap that thought.
stories! AND pictures!
actually you could do with more pictures of half naked dudes. However, you may take less pictures of yourself frolicking with pumpkins which are huge by the way.
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