I will kill you with all my pictures
I just realized... School here is tougher than in Singapore(according to the Exchange students from NUS)... That sucks.. I havnt posted stuff here for a while, cos I had 4 tests in a row last week... Now thats unheard of in an American College...
First I had this stupid Econs test.

I'm taking this year 3 economics class(cos i usually bite off more than i can chew).
My lecturer doesn't refer to the textbook when he teaches. He just mumbles on and on in a monotonous voice, while showing us just how well he can draw circles freehand on the chalk board.
Then there was this Computing test.

Basically it was stuff like "What does HTML stand for?", but I was under-informed and ended up actually studying for it.. That sucked.. But then again, if I ever encounter a 12 foot monster made of marshmellows who would only let me live if I could tell him the difference between RAM and a Hard Disk, I would live to drink another day.
There was also a Geology test.

This was quite hard, cos I had to memorize the different properties of rocks, which would melt in acid rain, which are tough and which I could use as a substitute for Sodium Chloride incase I needed some salt in my soup.
Not forgetting the stupid Accounting test.

Accounting is easy to understand, but the lecturer likes to set hard exams. She likes to think of herself as "The Big Cheese"(because she can do whatever the hell she wants, and also because she's physically bigger than anyone else in the lecture hall)
But there is always a rainbow after every storm. There's a pot at the end of it, but it aint filled with gold. Oh whatever could be in it?(Hint : Refer back to last 4 pictures)
First, I had to clear up the garbage which was accumulating in my trash bin.

My roommate and me have an agreement, whoever cant tolerate the foul smell more, will have to throw the trash away. I lost this time. But with my newly purchased squirt bottle of Febreeze, I'm confident of taking the trophy next time round.
Next, it was off to Walmart to stock up on "Happy Juice".

The healthcare here may be expensive, but thank god some things are still dirt cheap. They probably keep the prices of Alcohol down, as it is as much of an Educational Aid as Books are in any college. My "Wingmen" for Operation - Abstinence were Michael "Malibu" Minnaert and Manan "Absolut" Shah. They kept the car running, while I detoured through the cashier with my 21 Year old ID.
On our way home to stash the "Happy Juice", we had to be careful of people who might want our "Happy Juice", because they were too young to get their own.

You'll never know where they may come from and jump you when you least expect it.
We also had to weed out certain Traitors in our midst.

Our Wingman "Absolut" just didnt want to fork out any lousy moneys for the Team, so we had to dispose of him.
Then, the after-exam parties(well deserved) started...
Not in order of which they occured:
We had a Mid Autum Festival celebration, where we invited random people to a room, fed them Mooncakes, Tea and Tea Eggs, and played games.

Games which involved me having to hang upside down for a minute(sure, bully the poor chinese kid)
We went to an Asian Frat Party.

It kinda blew... Sticking to old chinese businessman traditions, the Chinese dudes that ran the party decided to charge a few bucks per drink, which was silly cos the next door party was giving Happy Juice away free flow.
Note to self : Dont go to Chinese guy parties, else all your moneys will belong to them.
We also had some fun at The Canopy Club.

One of our friends was putting up a kick ass dance(hip hop) that night at the club, so we went to support her. The Clubs and Bars here all close at 2am, because the owners know that all the students have to go home n get some rest, so they'll be ready for church the next day.
It was also someone's birthday sometime, so we went to celebrate it at his house(Its his birthday and he has to cleanup his house after that, hmm...)

House parties are much more fun(and cheaper) than clubbing or Frat parties, because its people you know and the drinks are on the house(birthday boy).
Of course the birthday boy wouldnt mind cleaning up after us and giving us lots of drinks.

All that doesn't matter when his world is spinning around and he has the sudden urge to talk about his inner most deepest feelings to everyone.
After getting really high, we went to Joe's Bar/Pub/Club/Whatever he wants to call it, to make use of all the alcohol in our system.

Because we were kinda tipsy, we managed to blend in with the incoming/outgoing crowd and sneak in for free. Now thats something a Cheapo-Singaporean can be proud of, getting alcohol, clubbing and cake, all without paying a cent.
On my way home that night, I met this weird dude on the street, who claimed he would one day surpass 50 Cent and Dr Dre..
He gave me a live demo of his rapping, it went something like :
Something something I smoke Weed with my dog...
Something something something.. house and a log....
something something Bling Bling...
something something something bitches, hoes and 22" Rims...
Upon hearing his natural talent for making up nursery rhymes that would give a preschooler nightmares for life, I quickly took a picture with him, incase one day he becomes famous.

As for my roommate, he made it back to the dorm in one piece too, but he decided that it was in his best interest, to sit down in the toilet for a while before going to bed.

To Mummy : Dont worry, the studying happened within a 7 day period, whereas the other stuff all occured within a 3 day period, so looking at it statistically, the study-play ratio is quite good. Don't worry ok? I miss you and daddy very much.
Can you send me money?(kidding!)
mr chicken - it seems that happy juice is playing a predominant part in your life. must be the influence of the states. i wasn't hooked on happy juice in the kingdom. wait, most of my friends were hooked on clubbing. strike that thought.
Eh? U got two roomies ah? Howcome the last picture looks chinese. It's chicken in disguise right? At least u got a cool roomie. Mine's a bloody sissified fusspot. Stupid closet gay piece of shit.
To Mr we, the citizens :
Why settle for water? when you can drink something that makes you happy? Anyway, Clubbing is to Drinking as Studying is to Coffee.. When u mean your friends, you mean you too right?
To Sunshine :
Nahh, I only have 1 roommate, Mike.. Most of the other people in the pics are people on my Dorm floor or other ppl around campus. I thought you liked your roommate? He sounded cool..
coke makes me happy.
wait. coke makes me fat too.
and if clubbing is to drinking as studying is to coffee, why did you post so many JD pictures?
and finally, i don't club.
chooster, u look like u gained abit of weight. like beefed up. been feeding on cows haven u?
btw ur mom reads this? hahahaha
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