Saturday, May 14, 2005

Heart Wrenching Goodness

Today has been a rather spastic day at best which I shall show is due to cause and effect.
First off is my temperament which ever since I was a fledgling, has been so bad that I once stabbed some dude with me scissors and had to go for counselling for months. It wouldn't have been so bad if not for the fact I was in primary 4. The scumsucker's name is Robin Teo and yea, if I see him again, I would stab him with much bigger implements than scissors... maybe I could stab him with my Honda Civic. I believe I am so bad a driver I could manage that anyways. Its all in the wrist, and a lack of hand eye co-ordination.
I took up gym halfheartedly (it was sooooo painful to begin, I was doing 5 push ups a day just to lift a 1.25 kg weight in gym) and finally managed to get to the point where I could work out my frustrations in the gym. So... CAUSE: Work out frustrations/anger issues in gym. EFFECT: Larger muscles AND less anger.
Today, I flung my handphone 5m on the sidewalk while trying to flip it open pretending it was a lightsabre cause its sooooo frickin cold here (lightsabres produce heat) and STAR WARS EPISODE III is coming out. Therefore, CAUSE: muscles too large (not as large as Mr Man's though) EFFECT: Busted handphone.
I seem to have developed an affinity to the wanton destruction/misplacement of electronic equipment here in sydney. I have right now, NOTHING that works electronically. I tell myself that if an EMP hits us, I will be safe cause I am on the same technological level as the Jalan Kayu prata shop. On a side note, would the chicken be ready on the 11th of July to go eat prata? I hate that stretch of road cause its so narrow and seems more dirt than tar and since its at night, im afraid of running over some indians. Anyway, thats my long-winded way of saying I broke my handphone.

Heart wrenching goodness as I found out today at Jalean's place is Baileys irish cream with cuppuccino flavoured milk. I never fancied myself much of a drinker but its really a must have. The concoction is a tad flavourful for a mix BUT it more than makes up for it on the kickback. START MIXING!!!
We can have a baileys party when I get back, Mr Man has not blessed my toilet yet anyways... Its even better than my dad's alcoholic ribena (i.e. red wine with sprite) which I actually drank to death for a period of time. BTW guys, just as a side note, my mom is reading the blog now courtesy of bulky bert. Don't ask me what he is thinking since I think he bumped his head a few times when wrestling with Elvin and turned into Mr "Sabo the bro" Bert. I could've sworn he was the sweetest thing till secondary school... anyway, if elvin didnt break him, I wanna know who.

OK, random stuff is over... I will update as often as I can but I should be studying instead of wandering the computer labs at night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is the chicken, the goat and the drunk here?

8:59 AM  
Blogger Horny Goat Breaks Wind said...

If you do not know this, you should not even be reading the profound detail of literary depth which us most sage of men have transcribed onto these pages ya clueless blog lurker

6:58 AM  
Blogger Heavenly Drain Water Chicken said...

Hello Mrs Yeong. Your son is a very nice boy. He behaves himself very well when not under parental supervision. Dont mind the alcohol, it just helps him study better. I love what you've done to your drapes.

10:28 AM  

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