The Physics test & the people who made it possible.
First of all, for all those who don't know what physics is, its basically the world as we know it explained in numbers invented by people who lacked the necessary communication skills to say: "the car is going fast" as opposed to "the car is travelling at 45ms^-1 or 45Sin30 in the y-axis, 45Cos30 in the x-axis assuming the car is moving at an angle of 30 to the horizontal." Just as a side note, I hate you and your crummy number language as much as I hate ISO audits.
I had to slave for physics and as a consequence, was made to study the day before the test (last minute is da best!!!). So after dinner, I ran up to da Physics Sifu's room to get some last minute explanations on Bernoulli's equation, as luck had it, Sifu was sleeping (or masturbating, you could never tell with the funky noises coming from his room).

His wise face belied his irritation at having to advise me on something he thought he heard in a lecture theatre 200 years ago in Laos. He then set about giving me several problems to start me off. 2 hours, 2 coffees, 1 tea and 3 panadol extras later...

Yes I know panadol extra is for headaches but sometimes when u need caffeine and the kettle is too far away, its easier to pop da pill and pretend you are a badass motherfucker on Amphetamines.
So after 2 hours, I was still doing my questions when the cry for Warcraft echoed through the halls of the college and reverberated in every nook and cranny...

I was doing physics off my computer so it was a simple matter to change it to the LAN server, anyhoo, the people playing (destroying my life) that night are...

He calls himself Cold blood probably because he feels cold all the time although I still maintain that its just chilly at best.

He is the Dz, unlike most of the other individuals, he is perpetually smiling when warcraft is on.... kinda like when you are on weed.

And this is Ru, he likes to spam the initial chat screen about his current squeeze and moan about how dreadful love is... I dont think he has read my initial entries to this blog yet.

This is XP, probably the most enthusiastic (i.e. rabid) of the warcraft gang, he is the only one who does it in style in his cartoon PJs.

AI (aparantly the initials of a basketball player) does not do the PJs quite in style, I think he is going for the pre-school look. He also had the physics test but unlike me was born with more than 12 brain cells.

Turosk and Vash are also part of me Optom batch, currently Vash (the dude without glasses) has a busted computer so he sneaks around and finds a Regular warcraft dude who is not playing (i.e. cramming for a test) and uses his computer. Today however, I dont really care about me test so too bad for his ass.

He calls himself the big dawg but I suspect its only because he is literally big. Otherwise, he is one of the few free frags in our warcraft games.

And this is Goo, one of the few medical students who believe that medical students are not the bitches of the lecturers. He is also the guinea pig for the current year one medical student warcraft players because they want to know if its possible to play warcraft AND pass their exams. And finally...

Nah this is just a random Ang Moh who wandered into Sifu's room.

Yup!!! Its Sifu himself pretending to wash his face instead of playing warcraft... anyway, why do u think I could break off to play Warcraft?
Thus, after 2 hours of blissful computer gaming...

It was kinda hard going cause my mind was still on the game, the questions were ridiculous (how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Answer in radians) and of course I was sleepy. I decided to mobilize my bitches,

Yup! Its Sifu and some guy who does not play warcraft!!! Anyhoo, they cannoned through the questions like a BMT sergeant on off and slayed that spastic wood chuck.
Thus far, im still awaiting the results of the Physics test which I hope would not be reflective of my ability to perform but rather on the quantity of praying I did and caffeine I consumed. One should always hold out for the best anyway.
Nice job on all those vouyer pics of UNSW babes(err, where?) man... keep em coming! Remember to post your results online too.. We all could use a good laugh..
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