Drugs makes everything better
I'm sick. And it sucks. I have to stay at home and do nothing for the whole day(not like I have anything to do anyway). Then, I realized something.. If not for DRUGS, I'd be in a whole different world of pain(Much like riding in Mr Man's Big Yellow Schoolbus Of Pain, but with homosexuals all around you). This blog is dedicated to the prescription drugs responsible for keeping me up and going(sitting in my ikea reclining chair instead of stoning in bed).
First down the list(in no order whatsoever)
To be taken 3-4 times daily

Theres everybody's friend, Paracetamol! We bought these in Australia a few years ago cos my dad had a slight headache. Theres 100 tablets in that damn box(aussies had very bad headaches), good for more than 12 days of head-splitting fun(assuming you have a death wish of 8 tablets a day).
To be taken 3 times daily

Theres my flu medicine, I dont know the name of it, but its the only medicine that comes in its own fancy attractive grey and white capsule(its a hit with the kids). I've been taking this since young and have since grown immune to its effects(well, my flu virus has grown immune to its effects). Following my doctor's advice(Doctor : Nevermind, just take, just take..), I continue to pop them every night. At least they help me sleep better.
To be taken 3 times daily(I only take it before I sleep thou)

Then, theres my cough mixture. Like the flu capsules, I have been taking this since young, thus making it ineffective. It's taste however, does vaguely resemble the taste of stale steamed fish(which explains why I dream of eating camp food sometimes when I sleep).
To be taken once daily

Next, are these Zinc(or some other random mineral and vitamin combination) tablets.. They are more of a preventive, rather than a cure. Just like installing an anti-virus program AFTER your computer has been infected, I choose to eat it after I get sick(better late than never).
To be taken once daily

Theres also Fluimucil, which supposed to cure throat infections(I think I have one). The interesting thing about Fluimucil, is that its also a cure for Paracetamol overdose, thus negating the effects of the Panadol I'm taking(I'll just have to eat more panadol then, so troublesome).
Moving on to my other prescription medicines,
To be taken once daily

Oratane, 20mg. I've been taking this for a few days now. It doesn't help with my sickness(I think it's the cause), but it supposed to get rid of most of my facial acne(as well as make my lips very dry and also kill my liver). On the box, it says "Precaution : Do not use if pregnant, Do not become pregnant during use or within 1 month of stopping treatment. Important : Adhere strictly to precautions." There are also other warnings not to drink too much alcohol and not to go under the sun during treatment. My guess is it does something very bad to your insides.
To be applied externally as many times as you like daily(depending on your level of vanity)

Random creams for my face.(Ignore the various hair products in the background, I AM NOT VAIN, I DONT NEED TO DO MY HAIR UP)
I know that the various stuff I'm taking are very effective, because 3 of them even have the Singapore Medical Union's(There is no such place, but if you form an acronym with the words, it spells SMU.. cool huh? ok, nevermind..) seal of approval.

And like all famous musicians who have wrote songs under the influence of drugs sometime in their lives, the next self written song is dedicated to the drugs that made me the man I am today. Without them, I would not know what I would be like now(probably less sickly).
I like drugs
I don't like bugs
I like drugs
I dont like mugs
I like drugs
I dont like rugs
I like drugs
I dont like thugs
I like drugs
I dont like slugs
I like drugs cos they is good
I like drugs (x3)
Listen to Twins, they will make u feel better
I'm past that level.. I'm listening to Aya Matsuura now. Imagine Twins so high on drugs that they start singing much faster and in japanese, then you get Aya Matsuura.
Yes, the poisons make me very happy. Although thats not the desired effect.
I want to get well, not happy.
And Yes, there is something strange about the picture of the chicken. I've often thought of taking the picture down, but everytime I try to, the chicken tells me not to...
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