I've nothing much to post.. thats cos i dont have my small camera(which i used to bring around everywhere).. I only have thathuge panasonic zoom camera which creates a huge bulge in my pocket(is that your camera? or are you just happy to see me?)...
With my limited camera usage, here are some pictures of random people(with random descriptions)...

This is Venkat. He normally doesn't look so gay(unless he's with guys), but we have our worries... He enjoys talking to Girlies online, pretending he is the original author of the Kama Sutra. Has been known to go days without showering, as the smell of "Dirty Big Man" turns girlies on, especially when he's talking to them over the webcam.

This is Ben. He enjoys walking around the corridors, trying to fit coins in his eye sockets(he regrets not buying that wallet with coin pouch few months back). He only goes back to his room to do his homework, as his roommate is Korean and the only conversational experience he will ever get out of him is "Khun! Dong kim sam mi da!", which means "Die! White devil who does his homework!" in English.

This is me. I was experiencing a rare phenomenon called "Ben ran into my room and locked me out of it". He probably went crazy while attempting to stuff coins into his eyesockets and decided to lock himself in my room and eat up all my Sugar Free Jello.
Note to self: Carry your fucking key wherever you go, dumbass..

This is Mark. He enjoys doing "stuff". He is skilled at haggling. It has been rumoured that he once sold a camera to a blind man(Either that, or he stole the dude's cash and made a run for it).

This is Manan. He enjoys coming into my room and eating all my food.(pictured here, going through my fridge for something to drink). His escapades have earned him such a reputation, that he now even has his own Fan Club on Facebook,

The "Manan Shah Needs To Stay In His Own Room" Group.

This is Dominic, He enjoys playing soccer, forcing people to play mahjong, vomitting in Clubs and getting rejected by girls in clubs after vomitting on them. His common pickup lines include "Bring me to the washroom, I'm going to vomit" and "Stop moving around, I'm going to vomit". His superpowers include having unlimited energy to play Mahjong and being able to swallow more food than his stomach displacement can actually hold.(some say he eats till his limit, so as to have ample vomit to share with the girlies later on in the club)

This is Junwan, Fiona and Tracy. They enjoy getting really high marks in tests, thus causing the rest of the class to get lower GPAs after grades are moderated. They also enjoy making people wait for them in cars while they take their time to come out of their dorms. Some claim that the petrol spent idling their cars while waiting for them is enough to power a mid-sized communist country through an entire winter, leaving enough fuel left after that to make some Vodka for the Spring After-Party.

This is Mr Cow. He enjoys dressing up in shiny clothes to impress the girlies, as he read somewhere that girls are attracted to shiny things(or was it Pigeons?). He wears his shiny bling bling clothes often in the night to attract girlies into his Hyundai Sonata Evolution and drives off(After cleaning all the pigeon shit off.. Hmm, why do the pideons like him so much?)
He also often msgs me to tell me what new parts he's going to add to his car, and how his Girlfriend prestering him to buy her a bracelet is going to spoil all his plans.

This is Sandra. Pictured here holding her new pink LV wallet.(don't she look hot?) You can tell she's a wonderful, loving and caring person by the way she caresses her LV wallet(HEY! She never treated me so nicely!). Sandra enjoys shopping, cooking and doing sweet girly stuff at home.
She studies in Perth, but is currently living it up in her Crib in Singapore, on Summer Holiday.
