Ammo and Alcohol
Am I allowed to bring this back to Singapore ?

Also here are some pictures of wacky stuff around Sweden. And I use the word "wacky" in a manly way, while listening to Twins and S.H.E.

This is supposed to be a castle in Uppsala, a town north of Stockholm. First of all, its pink. What the hell is the use of a pink castle ? Maybe it was painted pink only recently, but still what kind of invaders is it supposed to protect against ? And why is it shaped like a barn ? Wacky !

Now this is pretty messed up as well. But this is not in Sweden, its in Oslo, Norway. Apparently it's an human orgy. Made out of a penis.

Here we have a dinosaur, which is cool and all because everyone likes dinosaurs, but notice the lesson in sex education going on in the same time.

And here is evidence of chinese culture in Sweden. This is obviously plagiarized from ancient yellow charms, "Fu2", used in Chinese horror "Jumping Vampire" movies, to stop the vampires from moving. It is not gaelic irregardless of what anyone says, those silly scots are always trying to steal our thunder.

Then we have this. To any well-read wordly person, they would instantly know what this is. This is obviously the spear of longinus used in the anime Evangelion, which was removed from Lillith by Rei Ayanami in order to defeat the Fifteenth Angel. It is not a maypole.
One more thing, will everyone be back in Singapore at June ?
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