Case Study : Dried Spughetty
The Heavenly Drain Water Chicken, going against his roommate's wishes(FUCK YOU ROOMIE CLEAN THAT DISGUSTING SHIT UP!), eats a can of Spughetty and leaves the dirty bowl out in his room for days to watch it ferment(He's too darn lazy to clean it).
This is his Case Study.
Test Subject:

One can of Chef Boyardee's life giving, salt filled, fat pumped Spughetty. A single can of this has been known to carry enough artery clogging goodness to send a middle aged man(add work related stress, money problems and a girlfriend that checks his "last dialled numbers" in his cell phone every hour) into a seizure. Thus, this is the obvious choice for the experiment.
Pour into test vessel

When poured out, the experiment takes the form of the vessel that holds it. Resembling fish bait in a bucket of slime, the experiment was so tempting, that the Chicken had to eat it. Battling the feeling of his heart about to give in to the saturated fat intake and stop beating, the Heavenly Drain Water Chicken fights on.

Test subject X has partially dried up, forming a layer ontop of the bowl which resembles sheet ice. A small portion still remains moist and gooey, probably due to the immense amount of salt found in subject X. Subject X emmits a light smell of vinegar mixed with dog poo poo. My Vapor Sensor(roommate) confirms that it indeed does smell like "If you don't throw that away, I'm gonna whoop ur ass".

Test subject X has fully dried up, forming thin layers of tomatoey goodness around the bowl. The scientific probe(plastic fork) used to interact with Test Subject X, has been permernantly infused into the bowl. It is suspected that the plastic has somehow melted and stuck itself on the bowl. At this time a reasonable hypothesis would be to conclude that the reason why the Aliens(From Alien 1, Alien 2, Alien Resurrection and Alien Vs Predator) have acidic blood, is because an intergalatic shipment of Chef Boyardee's Canned Spughetty crash landed on their planet and they ate it all up, causing their blood to turn acidic and their personalities to be permernantly set to "Very Very Angry".

Little change from day 3. Test Subject X has stopped emitting "poo poo smelling" vapor. We therefore have reason to believe that it has fully undergone its transformation from one state(liquid) to another state(LIVING HELL TO SCRUB/WASH THE BOWL)
Small anomaly, which previously did not exist, has been detected near bottom of bowl.

Designated "Booger Alpha", for future reference.

Nothing much has changed since 2 days ago. Subject X maintains its grotesque appearance. Transformation is non-existant. We have reason to believe Dried Spughetty cannot be dried any further. Subject X has fully stabilized and is deemed safe for placement on Roommate's table.
Second anomaly appears within 2 cm of "Booger Alpha".

Designated "Booger Booger", for future reference.
Case Study concluded.
Report: Chef Boyardee's tastes good, but once you let it dry up in your bowl, its a pain in the ass to clean up. Use disposable bowls.
Next Case Study on: Manly Meat Filled Sandwich With Cream Cheese

Test subject will be put through the most vigorous and harshest of experimental environments,

all in the name of science(and plain laziness)
Special Message:
Mummy. I'm running out of money to buy food...

Please send money...
duuuuddeeee!!! what's up?!?!?! we gotta do something again! Enjoy your chef boyardee experiment! What was the percent error on that thing?
egads. can someone teach the chicken how to wash a bowl?
and for goodness' sake. eat healthy food. otherwise we'll have to rename him the "heavenly drain water TURKEY."
Ok Masturbating Monkey, I'll send it over to you after i've done my experiments on it.
And what say you? whats so unhealthy about a Can of processed Spughetty and Manly Meat Filled Sandwich?
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