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Pics and short explanations

Lasted 10 days. Fun while it lasted.

Saint Basil's Church, famous Russian cathedral

Makdonalds, say it the way Red Alert soviet soldiers say "Acknowledged"

Hail to Chief Wooly Hat. Or as we say Comrade Wooly Hat.

Dinner. The menu is irrelevant in Soviet Union. You eat what we have. I had the fish. So did everyone else.

Meeting with President Shih of NUS. He came to Stockholm to chill out.

Dinner party in stockholm.

Dinner Party after wine in stockholm.
Kiruna, North of Sweden

Roughing it out

Rafting across the lake in the winter. pheer !
Jesus! Jason! Ur alive! You better bring that hat of yours back.. and one for all of us. Who's the girl? Tell us more Mr Man...
wow... jason lost alot of weight!
and gained a winter fling! haha
mrs cow
I'll tell you more about this stuff when we're back in Singapore. Big Brother's watching shhhhh.
Haha MR MAN!!! U look like Jason of old... we have to arm wrestle when u get back... and get drunk of course. We r waiting for u to lead the drinking festivities Mr Man!!!
I don't think I can beat even joshua at arm wrestling right now. But I can jog really long.
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