Hi everybody,
I haven't posted for ages but mostly because I can't be bothered to. Thus an unique situation must appear to resort to this. After surfing all the websites I know, not the naughty ones though, I have the final option to blog.....
What has happened in the last 6 months.....
I have finished my Honours Year Project and Presentation..... I would post the final copy, but I can summarize it in a few words. Oooga Booga Wiggly Woo, thats right.
I also went to Sweden to visit Linnea for a month , stop calling her Mrs Man. We also went to Italy for one and a half weeks. I realize my photos aren't nearly as funny as the Goats or the Chickens or the Monkeys, but I'll post it up anyways. I also realize I have signed up for virtually any free service there is, google, hotmail, photobucket, flickr...... So now I just try my default username/password, and I'm in. Sometimes I'm surprised it works myself.
So first, I saw the coliseum, its ok. No gladiators and hippos though

Same girlfriend.

Leaning tower of pisa, its really leaning

Wineyard in Chianti, wine cheaper than water

Spaghetti Bolognese in Bologna

Also went to vatican city + Florence, but no cool pics yet cos my plane is like late or something, i gotta go check it out.
Ill end it with a cool italian car pic

Can ur fortuner beat this suckah !!!!!