End of an Era(Era of Optometry Exams)
Hooray!!! End of year 3! No more exams! In yo face stupid ministry "you cant speak chinese so you cant goto JC" of education!!! Educate my chinese ass ya punk ass unclefuckers!!! I will speak whatever the fuck I wanna speak!!! I will be earning A$120K while you pay a kidney and your first fucking born for a teeny tiny 2 by 4 in Jurong where Kong Guan Biscuit Employees will skullfuck your daughter till she fucking speaks chinese like "wo lai le"!!! You betta recognise ya blind shits.
Ok, rant over. I had to get it out of my system. I love the PAP and I will always be Lee Kwan Yew's Bitch. Vote PAP or Anwar will get jiggy with yo ass.
Whats been down in da hood yo? Nothing. The hood(U-nee-ver-city) is a collective mash of students who poison themselves collectively with increasing amounts of coffee and beer until either their brains or their livers start to dissolve as they keep their wastes in to cram in another paragraph of diatribe.
I went to Melbourne roughly 6 weeks ago, it was an experience. I did that self-journey to find your inner goat thing. This is what I found.

Anyway, after an uneventful flight, I finally reached Melbourne and spent time with Grandma with heart condition. In between I entertained myself.

Yes, I am not doing as well as I thought, yes the Singaporean Government was right to push me out of their Education system into vocational training. However, I am a bitter little man with a Blog on my hands and I am not afriad to use it to punish Joshua, Ryan and any poor soul who decides to read this shit.
Haha I ate all the Nissan Cup Noodles!!! God I miss that hydrogenated, fried, MSGed, Preservative-full shit which basically runs straight through your intestines unaltered as your body rejects the lump of fried salty plastic shit you choked down cause it tasted just a little bit like home.
And next, I decided to desecrate the room which the newly-engaged would be sleeping in. YES!!! My brother is engaged!!! That little twit is engaged!!! Congratulations! I slept on your bed and drooled on it!

Melbourne was boring, I left after 2 days cause term started. Went back to Warrane to steal games/anime/movies.

My physics Sifu decided to take a picture of me usurping his desk. I must admit I not only was not afriad, I didnt even notice.
And now the greatest invention of all time that an overworked overstressed university student could think of!!! What do you do when one day you want half-boiled eggs like the sort you find in Killiney Kopitiam and you would trade all your used cans of tuna for it but no one is a Karang Guni man???

Tada!!! Your coffee maker is now the perfect halfboiledeggamatic!!! It cooks evenly and your eggs come out pretty damned perfect, all you do is crack the top with your handy spoon and suck the delicious goodness out of there until you finish a dozen eggs and call your med student friend to check if doing that might in any way cause sterility.
Another 21st!!!! Everyone is turning 21 but me!!! Im turning 150... fuck this crap, I wanna be 12 again and stabbing my chinese testbook with the kitchen chopper.

Bunch of drunk guys. Whats a 21st without drunk people? Thats like a LAN party without computers.

And for the LAN party you need the software.

You can never have too much software.

The birthday boy, he was the drunkest but tried his best not to show it.

The birthday boy's Ex-girlfriend. Just because I can.
Anyway, be back in Singapore on the 3rd Dec. Be with family and car until the 6th so gimme a holler then ya? You know you wanna holler!!! I have a 2 day window for downloads so U better holler soon before I start Need for Speed Carbon and Neverwinter Nights 2...