Is our blog dead yet?
I know. I know. I think we have used our collective telepathy skills to flush out those stinking blog lurkers which were comprised mostly of Mr Chicken's stinking loser friends by not posting anything for so long it stopped being funny.
Anyway, on top of that, even the chatbox is gone so we dont have to listen to them whine about more posts from Mr Chicken who lets face it, is more happening than a half boiled egg at Killini Kopi Tiam.
How have you guys been? I know Joshua is very active at home with helping his mother out with chores since the alternative is to sit in his 3 by 3 cell in front of an air con without a filter and watch porn (hows dwa lan jiao doing?) with one eye on the door just in case his mom pops her head in and starts lecturing him about sex ed. Anyway, Mr chicken and Mr monkey, you guys are flying over right? For accommodation, I demand the following games
1) Oblivion, Elder Scrolls 4
2) The Godfather
3) Sex Sex revolution 3000 (80% less clothing!)
and the following Phat L3wt
1) Your Bling bling rings (Cosplay time!!!, get my brother to bring my dragon shirts!!)
2) Your first born
I think you guys can guess which ones are the real important ones, oherwise, I need to get smarter friends but I got bored staking out at the library trying to find out which ones were there to actually pick up chicks instead of reading. Who goes to a library to read for the love of christ?
I have not been well, I rediscovered my brain this session and am actually doing well enough that the sleep-deprived post-grad student (i.e. underpaid overworked sub-lecturer) remembers that my name begins with a G. I know I know... but at least it looks like a C.
Ok, now the big news... I plan to do medicine so you guys would not see me for... Ahhh... lets say we would all be playing DOTA (badly considering arthritis) at the nursing home while shitting in our diapers. Its to start at the end of my current degree and its a 4 year post-grad course. The catch is that I gotta pass the exam and its an A-level kinda thing so prepare to be harassed like you have never been harassed before when I get back in summer. Sorry, but I make stupid decisions and someone has to pay for it and it sure aint me... it'll be daddy and mommy and Deep fried chicken... actually, better go with the monkey... he got better grades.
I hate my life. But at least I know I want to do medicine, think about it this way, when you have all graduated and are driving around in luxurious car makes, I will pull up in my 1994 Honda Civic esi which I would have to rescue from whatever third world country because I cannot afford anything else and everyone gets to drive a manual!!! It might not be better than my uncle's pickup but it stalls on the Lido carpark incline when Mr Man brakes deliberately because he hates goats!
Bring Oblivion (working version) or you guys will sleep with Mr Doggy in the backyard with all his Doggy glamour. You have been warned. BTW, Holden Astra costs 30 buckeroos while Miata costs 125. They have the Sunny too (they call it the Pulsar) so I thought we could be nolstalgic and let Mr monkey drive and make it make sweet love to concrete walls and Mercs.