After spending months piled up with work/pretneding to be at work/avoiding work, its again time to post random pictures with random comments.. I just finished writing a 6 page paper on a 2 minute movie scene And im pumped!!!.. I mean, how can you churn out a 6 page long discussion about a 2 minute movie scene? I must have used the phrase "Very interesting" more than 10 times.. ok...lets get it on...
Here's my plan for tonight
1)spend 45 minutes writing my blog
2)watch Bleach episode 75-76
3)write election speech for tomorrow
I found someone who's at least half as messy as me!

Putrid cardboard boxes, which once held pretty Apple computers, are now home to various non-biodegradable baby-suffocating plastic wrappers, empty beer cans and the occassional hobo who couldnt afford to live next to the trash can behind the alley along 5th Street.
I'm glad to see that my room has its own fanclub now

Often imitated, never substituted.
There is no replacement for the real thing - ohhh your messy room turns me onnnn...
We went to the beach!

In Florida.. Due to the lack of our Singaporenish Islandy lifestyle, we decided to spend our spring break travelling to beachy places to get what we can get in Singapore. Hot weather and Beaches. Why?
Same reason why we come all the way to America and want to eat chinese food.
Cos we are dooopid....
Good thing about some of the beaches, is that u can drive your cars onto them

And everybody knows, the only manly thing to do is to take your 4x4 onto the beach to pose for a picture

Too bad for the birds/roadkill
Those Seagulls may be good at fishing and making "Screeach" sounds, but when it comes to avoiding Jeeps on the beach, they still have a long way to go.(apparently Evolution didnt prepare them for the 4WD Jeep Liberty)
We went to Universal Studios!

Which turned out to be mostly random shops with cartoon characters all over.
Parents best keep their children out of the shops, unless they want to drag their whiny brats by the neck all the way across Universal Studio's most famous attraction, "Expensive Souviner Land".
How to overvalue your merchandise.

Take plain black sweater made from made in china wool(china had sheep? those poor bastards) and print UNIVERSAL STUDIOS logos on them.

Put US$50 price tag on them and sell to stupid tourists.
It isnt often that you see "Made in China" and "$48.95" on a wool sweater.
Midwestern games!

Special event where all the Singaporeans from the mid western schools in USA meet together in a specific spot to talk Singlish, curse in hokkien and throw their trash all over the floor. It feels very much like Singapore, just that instead of taking the bus, many of the students drive big sports cars bought with daddy's moneys.
Go illini!

Although we got trashed by Michigan and all the other schools, we still played with pride(because they gave us free doughnuts and bananas)
This is a WhiteCastle burger..

Dont look so fancy eh? But looks can be deceiving...
The cheese somehow melts into the beef patty, infusing itself into one soft, tender, cheesy lump of dead cow. Its VOODOO i tell you!
The burgers are so small, they sell them in packs as large as 30 per box, making it more convenient to get from zero to Cardiac Arrest in minimal time.
This is my research bowl from many months back

As you can see, its still in the same state i left it, 3 months back.
The surroundings have come and gone, but my bowl stays eternal.
It makes a great conversational piece for the girlies.
"My bowl is dirty, but you wanna know what else is dirty around here?"
"Is my bowl dirty? or is it just me?"
Finally, this is a typical American highway(in Michigan)

What do you notice about this road?
1) Its 1 lane only, thus making sure you go at slow speeds, stopping at times, revving your car more often and punching a hole in the earth's Atmosphere. America never really liked the Ozone layer, why do you think they like to build big engined trucks that rape the atmosphere? America, Fuck Yeah!
2) There are potholes and cracks along the entire road, making sure even the smoothest of luxury cars would go klong-rrrr-klong-rrrr-klong-rrrr all the way home.
WEll, time to watch Bleach!