Sleepy and tired
Damnit, there's no time to write anything here anymore...nothin but tests n stuff every other week.
But its spring break now... and im still short of time..hmm... did i mention im sleepy too? hmm.. nevermind..
I'll do a short post cos i have to wake up in a few hours to drive to chicago.. plus i cant really find my photos...
Event: Duck Tape Your RA(Residential Advisor)

Yes, it is that time of the year again, where you waste rolls of good duck tape(that could be used to tape a car together) to aimlessly stick people to the wall.
The objective of the gmae, was to tape your RA to the wall, and the Last standing RA(after the rest have fallen) wins, and his/her floor gets a pizza party..
It sounded like a perfect plan,
Except for the fact that my RA had the force of 1000 Cheese Pizzas on his side. (some call it the "Dark Side", but he still prefers the name "Domino's Pizza")

No prizes for guessing whether we won or lost...
I gave up listening to fortune cookies for advice on life matters... Because they just started to get plain weird...

And just when you've given up all hope on fortune cookies, they fight back!

It was Unofficial St. Patrick's Day a few friday's ago...
History Lesson:
St. Patrick is a whacko Irish guy who likes to drink all the alcohol he can get his hands on(ie. like every other College Student). So, in honor(notice the American spelling of "Honour"? I wanna be an American Idiot *Zhang Zhang Zhang Zhangggg* <-Jams guitar) of such a brave individual who values his sociability more than his liver, college students around America celebrate St Patrick's day one friday. Bars open at 8am, students go to school drunk and Walmart sees a sudden increase in Alcohol sales to youngsters with fake IDs.
In honor of St Patrick's day, I had to make a trip to Walmart to fill my car up with happy juice.

To Mummy: I DID NOT drink or buy all of that... I DID NOT...
Where else on earth can u find 6 different beers made from 6 different countries?(i think)

Ans: In Walmart
Another tradition on St Patrick's day, was to wear green... cos The Irish believe that vomit stains look best on Green colored clothes.

Ok, im sleepy.. will post more pics after my spring break trip to Florida...
Spring Break! I have seen photos of that!!! yeah! eh... show me the photos!
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